FOOW? at George Mason University

FOOW? facilitated our Deconstructing Discontent…Is it you, the job or both?” workshop at George Mason University and we flowed with graduates ranging from 1980 to 2008! The workshop challenged graduates to identify road blocks and the reasons they arrived in Discontent-ville.

A FOOW? workshop emphasizes the WORK in shop because it is activity driven and interactive so you can discover what is working for or against you. If we aren’t honest about our responsibility and ready to do the necessary work, we just start Swinking® – not quite swimming and not quite sinking.

The participants’ feedback also reflects time well spent…

What did you learn?

“First off, that I’m not alone in my struggle.”Also, to take the Myers Briggs test.”

“To discover likes/dislikes of my current job; a career assessment would be helpful in helping me discover what field would allow me to thrive personally and professionally;

“Discontent may not be rooted in the actual job, but a mismatch for me.”

What did you like?

“Group discussions and team activities.”

“Switching up the groups often was positive. Group activities helped us listen and learn from fellow alumni, and open up dialogue on issues that affect all of us. “

Would you recommend this Workshop? Why?


“The workshop was a big eye opener for recent and older GMU grads. As an undergrad student I believed that life would be peachy after college, and I would fall into my dream job. The workshop’s activities helped us take a close look at different aspects of what could lead to job discontent and how to resolve it.”

And words from the GMU’s Alumni Point of Contact—-

“awesome workshop!…The alums loved it and so did we.”

FOOW? is about swimming!

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